What’s New
Equipment Log Improvements
Improvements to the new Equipment Log sidebar include:
Sidebar Default State
The equipment log sidebar starts in a collapsed state, helping users focus on the main content upon entry. This also reduces visual clutter and allows users to expand it only when needed.
Various UI Enhancements
Feedback input prompts have been streamlined for a cleaner, more intuitive look. Redundant text has been minimized to ensure users see only the most essential information, making the interface more user-friendly and enhancing overall readability.
Enhanced Equipment Search Functionality
Equipment search functionality has been refined to limit results strictly to equipment names, improving search accuracy and helping users quickly locate specific equipment without irrelevant entries.
Hovering Over Unacknowledged Items
Users can now hover over unacknowledged items to view the time since the last notification. This feature provides a glance at the age of unacknowledged notifications, making it easier for users to prioritize follow-up actions.
Fix for Duplicate Feedback
A bug causing duplicate feedback submissions during data migration has been resolved, ensuring feedback logs remain clean and accurate.
Historical Visualization for Stage 4 and Email Alarms
Previously, historical changes to Stage 4 limits and email alarm settings were not stored or visualized, unlike NanoAI Alarms.
A new visualization now displays historical changes to Stage 4 alarm limits on trend charts, allowing users to see the exact Stage 4 limits used at any point in history.
Users can now view the historical changes to email alarm settings directly on the trend charts, enabling them to track and understand alarm configurations over time.
Search As You Type
We have introduced an upgraded search experience across all search boxes! Now, search results will appear immediately as users begin typing, eliminating the need to press Enter to view results. This enhancement offers a faster, more intuitive search experience, helping users find what they need with minimal effort.
New sorting icons
The sorting feature has been streamlined with a new single-button toggle for enhanced usability. The new sorting behaviour is as follows:
- Prior to Click: The table displays in default sorting order, but no arrow is displayed.
- First Click: Sorts items in ascending order (low-high or A-Z) – up arrow displayed.
- Second Click: Sorts items in descending order (high-low or Z-A) – down arrow displayed.
- Third Click: Returns to the table’s default sorting order – arrow removed.
This simplified approach eliminates the need for separate buttons, providing a more intuitive and cleaner interface for sorting data.
New download and settings icon
We have updated the filter and download options across all dashboard sections to align with the latest design standards. This update includes a fresh look and improved usability, ensuring a more consistent and intuitive experience. The filter icon now clearly indicates when a filter is active, helping users easily identify when data is being filtered.
Health Summary Card reordering is based on the severity of the health status.
The Company Health Summary card has been enhanced for greater clarity and usability. Health statuses are now visually organized and sorted based on severity from worst to best and color-coded to reflect severity better.
Config Dashboard sorting will remain the same across the tabs
When a user sorts a column in one tab, the sorting preference will be maintained even when they switch to a different tab. This behavior applies only to columns that are common across all tabs within the Config Dashboard. The sorting will persist across tabs for the common columns, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Config dashboard Search functionality Enhancement
The search functionality in the Config Dashboard will now work consistently across all tabs. The search query entered in any tab will remain active as the user navigates between different tabs in the Config Dashboard. Based on the current search criteria, the results will be filtered consistently across all tabs.
Add multiple bearings to the gearbox
Users can now add multiple bearings to gearbox shafts, aligning the functionality with other component types. This improvement allows for greater flexibility and precision in gearbox configuration and maintenance. This improvement has been made to the Portal, Dashboard, and Mobile app.
Convert USD reference to local currency on hover tips
We have updated tooltips to display prices in the local currency automatically. Replaced the previous USD/kWh format (e.g., “YYYY USD/kWh”) with a new format in local currency (e.g., “XXX Currency/kWh”).
The CSV download button is disabled until the table is loaded in the Config Dashboard.
The “CSV Download” button in the Config Dashboard will now be greyed out (disabled) until the table data has finished loading. This ensures that users cannot attempt to download a CSV file before the data is fully available, preventing incomplete or empty downloads.