What’s New
New Features and Improvements
1. Multi-View Dashboard Changes
Multiview dashboard allows for users to see multiple graphs (of one component or multiple components across individual or separate equipment) in one screen.
Feature set:
- Stacked & Quad View Selector: Graphs can be viewed both in quad view, where a user can view four graphs in a 2×2 matrix or in Stack View one after the another.
- Email alarms to the trend graphs directly from the Multiview Dashboard.
- Frequency range for Spectrum graphs.
- Graph Annotations: Ability to add frequency markers, cursors, and harmonics
- Significantly improved machine tree with usability enhancements.
2. NRG Dashboard improvements
A new Energy dashboard for organisations, companies and plants. This provides an overall power rating for all equipment, energy utilisation , consumption and increase in energy consumption. The bar chart for the Cumulative Increased Energy Consumption can be viewed for a period that is selected and can also be viewed based on the granularity levels a user opts for (Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly).
Dashboard charts:
- Historical Change in Energy Consumption (This provides the value of the total energy losses accumulated over the period in kWh).
- Total Power Rating for all Monitored equipment in HP (This is a bar chart and is independent of the date and granularity filters)
- Total change Energy consumption (The increased energy is the energy consumed over the baseline energy consumption and is not dependent on the time filters).
- Energy Intensity in the last 24 hours (The ratio of additional energy consumed per HP of installed capacity)
Additional metrics to visualize and filter the data:
- kWh (power consumed)
- Currency (based on location of the Org/company)
- MT CO2 (Metric tons of CO2 consumed)
3. Display early-stage faults on the component Health Summary page
We have added the capability to see the various early fault modes in the component health Summary page, as shown for the late-stage Fault.
Once a user hovers on the Fault, there will be a hover showing whether the fault mode is early or late-stage.
4. Support for gear mesh and the bearing number was added in the notification link and fault button.
We have added the ability to support Gear mesh and Bearing number in the notification link and fault button.
For a particular notification that is raised to a particular gear mesh and bearing number, once a user clicks on the notification, the user gets redirected to the correct gear mesh and bearing number that triggered the notification.
5.Improved Help info section
We have made changes to the Help section to make it more user-friendly and usable.
The information for Notification, Health Status, and NRG monitor has been updated along with font changes and a new look and feel.
6. Access restriction for Super Admin
We have made some changes to the Super Admin access where now a Super Admin user can only see the user that overlaps with the Super Admin access right.
A company-level super admin user will only be able to see users who belong to the same company, not users from other companies under the same organization, and so on.
7. Import CSV to build a Hierarchy
We have developed an API which uses a csv file using which the onboarding process for any org can be done at a quicker rate.
The details can be filled in the CSV file, and once uploaded, the file will create the assets and the org structure for that particular org.
8. Demo Dashboard improvements
There have been changes made to the Demo Dashboard to make it more user-friendly and help the team while giving demos. There has been a new feature added-Control Panel using which the team can generate on-the-fly fault modes and show the graphs for the same.
9. Default time range data for Trend Graphs
We have changed the default data period to six months for trend graphs across the dashboard.
10. Notification log changes
The notification log has undergone a change. Now, a user can click on either the Plant, machine, Equipment, or component name of a particular notification log to go to the Health summary for that particular component.
Bug Fixes
1. Spectrum plot orientation changing while changing the date
Previously, if a user changed the date on the spectrum plot, the axis would automatically reset to the Z axis. This issue has been fixed; once a user changes the date, the axis does not switch and remains the same.
2. Fault lines not showing when switched to longer timeframe plots
The issue where the fault lines were not visible when switched to a longer duration of 6 months/year, the fault lines in amplitude graphs were not showing. The issue has been solved, and now the lines are visible.
3. The Plot Spectrum option is missing on the Waterfall graph
The plot spectrum option that was missing on the Waterfall graph has been added now and is working as expected.
4. Missing title on waterfall graph
The title of the waterfall graph needed to be included and has been added again.
5. Threshold update not showing on the graph
The threshold update time stamp on the graph has been fixed and is now visible.
6. Flux plot header update
The headers on the flux plot page needed to be included and have been fixed.
Data Processing Improvements
As part of continuously improving the insights and value we are creating out of the data, following updates have been implemented in the current release:
- Notifications will include bearing number and gearmesh to allow for easy flow from notification to data review.
- Additionally validation to assure data quality before processing to avoid corrupt data entering the pipeline.
- All Health Status changes will be available in the API-endpoints, to improve the ease of integration.
- RPM ratio calculation for speed transfer between time synced components has been improved.