What’s New
1. Dashboard Branding
We have undertaken a redesign of the dashboard, enhanced its overall look and feel to align more closely with our brand identity. Improvements have been made to the dashboard’s aesthetics, featuring updated colors that reflect our brand more effectively. Functionality is the same as before; we will work on improving UX in future updates.
Here are the key updates:
- Brand Colours Integration: The dashboard now incorporates our brand colors, creating a visually appealing, cohesive experience.
- Modernized Layout: We’ve reorganized the order and headings of several tables, resulting in a more modern and user-friendly interface.
2. Add Cellular connectivity info in the Sensor health Table
Changes have been made in the Sensor Health to add visibility for cellular connectivity and align with WiFi data. The users will be able to see if the sensor is connected to a WiFi/4g/3g or 2g network, and the correct signal strength for each connection is displayed for WiFi and 2G: RSSI and for 4G and 3G: RSPR/RSRQ will be shown.
Additionally, the same changes have been made in the download file for Sensor Heath Summary Table.
3. Revamped Manual Section on the dashboard
The manual section has been revamped, removing the individual options for the dashboard manual and notification manual download.
The section has been renamed to Training and Resources, and now it redirects to the Training and Resources link.
4. User Management Subscription updates
The following changes have been made to the Admin Dashboard.
The option to select all notifications has been removed. Daily Alarm and Late-stage fault alarms have had name changes and (recommended) were added to help encourage users to select those options.
Also, the notifications have been reorganized to make them more user-friendly and allow priority notification types to be at the top and first in the dropdown.
Reordered as below-
- Daily alarm
- late-stage fault
- Email alarms,
- Edge
- NanoAI,
- Edge
- Sensor
5. Change Template for Edge Acceleration RMS
A new notification template for the Edge Acceleration RMS notification type has been added.
So, the notifications from the edge all follow the same template (sound RMS, temperature, and acceleration RMS)
7. Maintenance Feedback Description Improvements
The Description for Feedback Maintenance has been changed. We have removed the minimum character check needed to submit feedback.
Now, there is no check for it, and a user can submit feedback without adding anything to the feedback description.
8. Notification emails Hyperlinked
All the notification emails will include a link to the dashboard in hyperlinked format to make it more appealing and readable.
9. Changes made in redirection for Late-Stage fault and Nano AI Amplitude
The redirection for Nano AI amplitude and Late fault notifications (link to dashboard) has been changed, and now the user will get redirected to the component Health Summary pages instead of plot pages directly, so overall assessment of the health status of the component can be done, and one can review potentially multiple faults that are active.
Bugs Fixed: Bug fixes have been made to improve the overall functionality of the dashboard and the backend services. Some more noteworthy issues that have been resolved are seen below.
- The turn-off/on range option is not working on the Spectrum graph: The issue with the turn-on/off spectrum range option has been fixed.
- No data is displayed when data takes time to load: At places, especially in tables where the data takes time to load, previously, we were showing a “No Data “state, which was confusing as the data was there; it was simply taking time to load. This has been fixed, and now, instead of the “No Data” state, we are showing the loading icon.
- Email Alarm Frequency is not populating: For some users, the email alarm frequency was not populating on the dashboard. This has been fixed, and now the frequency can be seen on the Email Alarm Popup.
- Missing column info in downloaded CSV for Notification logs: The issue where the graph columns were missing in the downloaded CSV for Notification Log has been fixed.
- High Load time for the dashboard: The high load time for the dashboard pages has been fixed. Now, the load time has been reduced significantly, and the dashboard’s performance has improved.
- A mismatch between the default unit set in the company config and the Amplitude trend: There was a mismatch between the default units set in the company config and those shown in the amplitude trend graphs. This has been fixed, and now the same unit is being used.
- Missing Fault Line while selecting time period options: The issue where the fault lines were missing for unbalanced and misalignment graphs when a user selected the different time period options has been fixed. Now, once the user changes the time period, the fault line is there.
- The time waveform for the envelope domain shows the same across different timestamps: There was an issue in which the same value was being shown for different timestamps in the envelope domain. This has been fixed, and now the correct value will be shown for different timestamps.